January 9, 2010

Healing changes are subtle…

Posted in Uncategorized at 12:20 pm by nonalynn

The process of healing…

“It’s been a hard year, but I’m climbing out of the rubble.

These lessons are hard, healing changes are subtle,

but every day — it’s less like tearing, more like building,

less like captive, more like willing,

less like breakdown, more like surrender,

less like haunting, more like remember.

And, I feel you here, and you’re picking up the pieces – forever faithful.

Seemed out of my hands, a bad situation- you are able.

And in your hands, the pain and hurt look less like scars and more like character.

Less like a prison, more like my room, less like a casket, more like a womb,

Less like dying, more like transcending, less like fear, less like an ending.

Just a little while ago, I couldn’t feel the power or the hope, couldn’t cope, didn’t feel a thing…

Just a little while back, I was desperate, broken, laid out… hoping you would come-

And I need you    and I want you here   and I feel you

And I feel you here and you’re picking up the pieces… forever faithful” ~Sara Groves

Sara Groves is one of my favorite artists-  she has a way of identifying things with words that I have experienced.  Odd how I’ve loved her music for years, and at different seasons of life God has brought back to mind words that are in the music… I think that is why the writer of many Psalms says it is crucial to hide God’s word in his heart.  We may not identify with it at the moment, but when we are going through life, different circumstances arise that cause God’s Spirit to bring the words to mind… because we have the words in our heart.  God’s desire for me is a full and satisfying life-  In John 4:34, Jesus described great satisfaction in doing God’s will.  Fulfilling the work God had planned for his life was more satisfying than food.  So, if I want that satisfaction, then I need to do what I was created for… God has planned good works for me to do (Eph 2:10), and I have a new purpose now (2Tim 2:4-6).  “We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us… the night is coming and then no one can work .”  ~John 9:4

The process of healing takes place over time, and even though at one time the wound was fresh, it has a scab now, and the new skin underneath is forming-  soon there will just be a scar that will fade with time and eventually look more like character.  In God’s hands, I am held, healed, helped.  “I will joyfully sing of your forgiveness.” Psalm 51:14

“Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.”  1Cor 13:7

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